Kepi's Korner

Friday, October 06, 2006

Four Things About Me

Things you may not have known about me.....

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Sales Secretary

2 Operations Manager

3. Third Grade Teacher

4. Children's Furniture Sales Clerk

I have watched over and over:
1. Video of my niece and nephew

2. While You Were Sleeping

3. Sue Thomas episodes

4. Steven Curtis Chapman Beyond the Gates

Four Places I have lived:
1. Johnson City, TN

2. Rockford, IL

3. Nicholasville, KY

4. Lexington, KY

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Criminal Minds


3. Law and Order

4. The Office

Four Places I've been on vacation:
1. El Dorado, AR :)

2. Los Angeles, CA

3. pretty much the entire state of TN

4. Lawrence, KS

Four of my favorite Foods:
1. Hamburgers
2. Japanese Hibachi Chicken & Zucchini

3. Fried Okra

4. Sweet Corn

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. back in the Smoky Mountains

2. in bed

3. can't think of anymore - I love where I am!


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